Thursday, July 19, 2007

Seven Wonders of the World - Eulogy to a number

I wonder a lot about the new wonders of the world - not the mere number but the hype surrounding them. Why the fuck do we need a modest seven? Are the most beautiful things in the world numbered and rated? How can you compare beauty of the flowing stream with the eternal sunshine? Libran attitudes do not apply everywhere. Look at the following list :

The Great Wall, China
Petra, Jordan
Christ Redeemer, Brazil
Machu Picchu, Peru
Chichen Itza, Mexico
The Roman Colosseum, Italy
The Taj Mahal, India

Amazing Structures brought to us by amazing engineering skills, is what I see. No questions asked. Cheers!!! Horrah!!! But who decides which one should figure in the list - the two cent pea-brained people whose primary job of purposeful existance is fidgeting around with their computers and cell phones to press that red button which makes their life calmer because the neighbourhood heritage site is listed? And the unmalleable parody - date selected to list out the elite seven - 07-07-07. Gives me a total recall of the story of the 5 blind men (I am not too sure of the number, but I dont care) and the elephant - Each part of the elephant, a fancy thing I purport in my blind fucking mind. Get the big picture, you blind idiots.

Years thickened with learning that the seven wonders start with Pyramids of Egypt.Oh, its an ancient wonder now and eeks, Sorry!!!! I am not interested.... Oh I am sorry duddheads, beauty ceases to be auty after a while. Is this what you mean?


Srini said...


Cool beginning...The writer speaks and quite an numerologically sound beginning...

Guess the whole farce about Voting the Taj in a well planned out revenue generator for cellular service providers...

Food for the Thumb to say the least...

Way to go... keep em coming

Meg said...

Well interesting viewpoint i must say!!
But there is one Question lingering into my thoughts... you do use the 'F" word a lot and does that imply conviction or just plain frustration or rather your assertiveness!! I fail to understand... can any vocabulary be without swearing!!!